The game emphasizes reality through convenient navigation models such as real ships, time (day / night) and the space of the vast sea. The game has a lot of features, hundreds of islands and dozens of ports, extremely interesting mini-games. Then you upgrade ships, and develop character from rewards. You use a variety of ammo and weapons at will. The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt offers dozens of different types of ships, and you customize the number of ships to fight to your liking. You win when you defeat a warship, then collect ransom and treasure to become the “Crimson King” of the vast ocean. You use the “Jolly Roger” flag and take command to create powerful battles and raids. You explore the times of black flags and white skulls, waves and opportunities to get rich from gold. You join the heart of the Caribbean Sea during the Age of Pirates.

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt offers a great experience of pirate wars at sea. Good storyline, great gameplay, excellent graphics are what can be described about the game. If you love pirate movies, this game is a great choice for you to explore, and experience an exciting cruise in the famous Caribbean.

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt is about pirates, and the game belongs to the tactical-action genre.