She notably doesn't wear her gloves until Volume 7.Īfter joining the Future Foundation and in Danganronpa 3, Kyoko wears her hair back in a light-ponytail with two parts of hair loose that go down the front of her body. And also wears a black skirt and black thigh high socks. In Danganronpa Kirigiri a 13 year-old Kyoko wears a black collared blazer jacket with eight white buttons over a black coat and a zipped up long-sleeved white blouse. She notably wears custom-made black studded gloves to conceal the burn marks on her hands she received during the events of Danganronpa Kirigiri, as an inexperienced detective. She also wears a black short skirt, heeled knee-high black boots with equally knee-high light purple socks. Kyoko's outfit consists of a dark purple collared blazer jacket with six brown buttons over a zipped up long-sleeved white blouse and brown tie with a bird-like symbol on it. She wears her long light lavender hair down with a single braid on her left side, tied with a black ribbon. She has purple eyes and a pale complexion.

4.11 Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc.

4.10.2 Epilogue - The Day Before the Future.4.10.1 Chapter 6 - This is the End Goodbye Academy of Despair.

4.9.2 Chapter 6 - Possibility of Despair.4.9.1 Chapter 3 - Bessatsu Shounen Zetsubou Magazine.4.7.8 Epilogue - Goodbye Despair Academy.4.7.7 Chapter 6 - Ultimate Pain, Ultimate Suffering, Ultimate Despair, Ultimate Execution, Ultimate Death.4.7.6 Chapter 5 - 100 Mile Dash Pain of a Junk Food Junkie.4.7.4 Chapter 3 - A Next Generation Legend!.4.7.3 Chapter 2 - Boy's Life of Despair.4.4.3 Episode 11 - Goodbye, Hope's Peak Academy.4.4.2 Episode 05 - The Beginning of the End.4.4.1 Episode 01 - Hello Again, Hope's Peak Academy.4.4 Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc.